Artesan Candies from Barcelona

Sometime in 2004, the candy makers, Papabubbles, emerged onto the the artisan candy circuit around the world. Performing in-store, the making of these delicate, entirely handmade, pulled caramel candy crafts for custom packaging, festivities, and purchases by the bags and jars. But did any of us know that this was a highlight, as much as a tribute to their more famous predecessors, of this rather special place on earth famous for its arts and crafts? Often, our minds head toward the most recognizable France or Japan when we think arts or crafts... Little did we know that Typeform (circa 2012) would also make its way to mainstream usage, USA especially, despite the pretty nickle it charges end-users (companies and individuals) for its web form integrations. I had little hesitation with this company's product becoming popular. In early 2014, its GIF-enabled background helped me visualize a motion banner/title block sans noise, against my already lean, and free version, of Google sites. Thank God, Somebody started to give away $2B on a Google sheet -- now, even my little web page, is looking spritely.

So here's to Papabubbles for emerging into the pop culture [of my time] and for making things awesome and sweet. It's premiumly priced to avoid coders getting contrite. And for Everyone out there who can appreciate a little craft with a little bit of work is actually designing every aspect of modern day life -- from something as simple as the candy we eat to what we put on our feet. And, if still you don't know what I am talking about, here are three videos I found on Youtube introducing you to the craft of Papabubble of Barcelona (unmonetized) and a linke to Typeform templates

Papabubble NYC Coolhunted in 2008:

The Montreal based CandyLabs and its Maki Candy introduction in 2018:

Finally as featured in a Japanese street food video with over 3-million views in 2020:

And almost everyone already knows Papabubble's been in Japan for a very long time, with the largest following outside of Spain.

(Thanks for enduring the Dr. Seussesque moment.) 

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