What's Happening at Work?

Addressing patchiness and dullness for youthful complexion.

This has been one of the longer formulation and design journey I have been in the length of my career. Perhaps my old skin is shedding for a new career-biography/profile. Here is my Friday project that we are launching through multiple collaborating partners and White Lab X (the non-profit lab of THANB).

On the get go, we knew we wanted to work with biotechnology, stem cell programming specifically, but we didn't know that we would end up Vegan. But the facts and research was far too prominent and evident to ignore. To put simply, if you're young (i.e. teens and early early twenties) you want on your skin the most natural of products for as long as your skin physique will allow you. Chemical treatments and synthetic beauty has decades of consumptions. Whereas, fostering and preserving natural youthful skin is so important that we wanted to offer this non-cruel, earth-friendly, and health-science driven product to you. 

What we noticed between older and younger people is the way tired skin appears. On older people, tired skin can look aged and permanent. Tired skin on younger people however looked troubled and weathering

What is tired skin?
Tired skin appears visibly dull with fine lines that are more than what is expected of your age. Pores may seem larger, and discolorations (yellow or dark patches) may appear when lacking sleep, chronically. When touched, tired skin lacks the bounce of youthful radiant, healthful skin. This occurs faster (unfortunately) with aging and bad lifestyle habits. For older people, tired skin may appear permanent stained with gray or sagging (some of these issues are related to foods and sleep patterns and not just a skin cream or face wash issue).

What is in the formula?
We started with several botanical based formula to find the right balance -- and found that we approached the entire project wrong. Tired skin has in common across all ages one issue: dehydration. We then went back to reformulate on a glycerin based formula and looked to see how much flower power can be carried through the thick emulsified lotions. It wasn't easy and we fought amongst out ourselves between the balance of a water based starch-stacked formula versus glycerin. And there is a profound difference. Starches are great natural and vegan stabilizer for many vegan products... but on the skin, over long periods of use, starches will cause skin to sag from dehydration. Great for younger skin, but hellish on older or mature skin.

Why flowers?
Flowers (or botanical) are amazing natural ingredients, not just for its scent, but its reliant biochemical ability to permeate through the top layer of our skin when applied topically to create a visible difference over time. So, the emphasis on creating an usable product that can withstand a decent amount of exposure had to be resolved on a packaging level and a formula level, which we are now very happy with.

What types of products will be for tired skin?
The first product is a translucent emollient that applies lightly on clean skin and used at night or before resting. It is hypoallergenic and targets patchiness and uneven skin tones. If you're young, youthful, and beautiful but occasionally look dull or red around the T-zone/cheeks just by slamming a few all-nighters in a row, with a beach party till sunrise: this is your product. It is a hydrating multi-vitamin for skin and is great to use repair gel. It will have a cooling effect on your skin if you feel that you have been sun-damaged, but it is no replacement for aloe vera or an after-sun repair cream. This product is non-medicinal and purposed for 1-2 weeks intensive use to decrease any redness, i.e. rosecea. 

Interested in a prelaunch sample?
Subscribe to pre-launch product samples and updates and read about "How to get Clear Skin". Sign up for a sample kit, get on our sample kit list as a pre-launch product subscriber, or learn more about all our upcoming product launches through WhiteLabX on Patreon.

Co-Developed with WhiteLabX

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