Now my passion for plastic Ziplocs can regrow to food storage and not just pencil bags. Not only am I not a regular bag buyer because these bags are durable, but I wash mine in soapy water for re-use. Sharp objects rarely wreck these sturdy bags (which is great! but again not entirely super great for business). If you are hyper-vigilant with reusing the bags, the greatest of these reuse heroes, I have seen, to date, are bag-dishwashers, i.e. people who wash their bags in the dishwasher. Crazy? They (the Ziploc bags) don't melt. The old version of Ziploc bags can last for years. And that makes this COMPOSTABLE version a really great next product for our earth and all our consumers.

I could't help but LOVE the Japanese version of Ziploc though there are plenty of other options in Japan when it comes to storage and organization. Japanese are one of the most organized culture alive. And, speaking of foraging for new creative partners and Japan, check out this artist who made other items inspired by the iconic designs of the logo and the material, featured in LA Times. A happy coincidence, that I stumbled upon while image researching for this blog piece (see my Blogger image and you'll know why I enjoyed this rendition of their bags).

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